Friday, May 21, 2010

Springs Gymnastics (video)

We went to a new gym this past month called Springs Gymnastics. It is a big professional training facility that trains people on olympic style gymnastics. It's pretty neat because the whole floor is cushioned and they have lots of huge trampolines to learn flips. There are a bunch of balance beams, dual bars, and even a giant foam pit that you can jump into.

We just went for their toddler free time. It's fun to let the kids run wild and get some energy out. Peter liked stacking the traffic cones for a little bit.

Peter loved the bouncy and squishy floor. And there were tons of other kids to play with.

His favorite part though was playing Tarzan! They had a big rope swing with a knot on the end of it. Peter watched his friends ride it for a little bit and then he hopped right up for a turn! I was so scared he would fall flat on his face! I figured that this was the safest place to try it though, they had a huge cushy foam pit right underneath it.

Peter loved it! He was laughing and giggling the whole time. He held on tight for probably 8 swings!

Finally he let go and landed in the big pile of foam. He had so much fun he ended up swinging on the rope probably 6 times before we left.

We went back one more time and Peter fell in love with the trampoline. After bouncing on the trampoline a lot he found a few hoops and tried to do the hula! Here's a video of Peter hula-hooping...or his version of it atleast!

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