Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Parks and playtime

We've stayed busy having fun lately. Early Monday morning we went to a playdate at one of our favorite parks with the MeetupMoms. They are a group of about 100+ families online that plan playdates and events for our kids. This playdate they collected blankets and things for Newborns in Need so we donated some of our extras and spent the morning with about half a dozen other kids playing on the equipment. Most of the toys are still too old for Peter so he just crawled around a little. I did like that things were sturdy enough that mommy could get on it with him and guide him through things. It was also nice to just gab with other mommies for a while.

Peter sticking his tongue out. He seems to do this when he is happy and thinking about causing trouble.

It was kinda chilly, probably in the upper-60's. But we just put a sweatshirt on and stayed in the sun.

Crawling up the climbing slide takes concentration.

Stare down over the balls.

Grunting, mean face. He got up two stairs and there weren't any more!

Sharing the mat with a friend.

I think Peter won the stare down...he wasn't gonna give up any of his balls!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sure provide him with great opportunities. He's going to be such a well adjusted kid. Thank you for your hard work. You are a terrific mom.