Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day Party at Pump It Up

We went to a Valentine's Day Party today with one of our mommy groups. It was at Pump It Up. Basically its a big warehouse filled with bounce houses. It's so much fun! The bounce houses are huge, have obstacle courses and slides, and even mommies and daddies can go in them to jump around.

We went in one of the no-frills bouncers and Peter got scared. It was loud noises for the blowers, then music blaring over them, then lots of action with the kids, and a ground that wasn't stable. He didn't know what to think!

I tried to lay down next to him in the bouncer but he just tried to climb on my face. (You can see my face under his hand in this picture.)

For about 15 minutes we laid down or sat together in the bouncer and he just clung to me like a little monkey the entire time.

We finally decided to get out and try something different.

Peter liked to be out of the big jumper castle. I put him on the ground and he started crawling around and checking things out. He found a bench and enjoyed just hitting it.

Peter wasn't the only "little one". There were kids of all ages there, but it definitely seemed like it was more fun for the 2-4 year old range. I actually was talking with one of the mommies who has two older boys and she offered us some of the clothes they have grown out of. SCORE!

After about 20 minutes of playing on the floor I decided to try the bouncer again. I even took in one of his balls from home to play with. This time we had a lot more luck. Peter sat in between my legs and watched things for a few minutes and then he began to venture out on his own and even crawled a few feet away from me.

He figured out that he could bounce his body and he rocked himself back and forth a few times.
After, we all got to sit down and enjoy some Valentine's cupcakes and juice.

I'm so glad that he learned to have fun there after an overwhelming beginning. I think I just need to remember to take a few toys from home to play with next time and to ease him into it. We are signed up to go again in 2 weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a place to place. Oh my! He'll eventually learn to love that place and those jumping things. It's scary with the big kids getting wild and crazy. He's so cute!