Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We had a pretty good day today. John is recovering from getting a teeth pulled yesterday so we were pretty low-key. Didn't even want to do a dinner out because he is only eating mushy stuff today.

We were able to get out of our house and go to a free tax preparation site. Our taxes are done!! Yay! And we are even getting $$ back!! Of course that money is already going to other bills, but it will be nice to get those paid off. Car repairs, dental work, what's left of last year's taxes we owed... But I'm excited to get something back for once.

Afterwards we dropped John back at home and I headed off to do some Valentine shopping. I ended up getting a few balloons for the boys. (John obviously can't have chocolate with a bad mouth!)

When I got home I found out that while we were gone the dog got into the chocolates John had bought for me! He ended up throwing up on the couch and the carpet! Eww!! John's "relaxing" time at home was spent cleaning up. Thank goodness Grandpa Marvin bought us a carpet shampooer the last time he visited!! Everything got cleaned up pretty quickly. The dog got in serious trouble though!

Peter had fun playing with our balloons. He put one in each hand and drug them around the house for the rest of the day.


Angel said...

I love the card! Totally something I would do....

The pictures of John with peter on his shoulders are adorable!! Can't wait to hold that little boy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you! Thanks for the card. He seems so fascinated by the balloons. It's great watching them learn about their world. Give Peter and John a hug from me. Hugs to you to Jen. I love you.