Friday, February 6, 2009

Doctors and Dentists

This week we had a few health things going on and just wanted to update you.

John went to the community dental clinic and this time it was alot more productive. She was able to give him pain medication and an antibiotic for the teeth that are really hurting him. He got referred to an oral surgeon to have a few teeth pulled and we are going there for a consultation on Monday. She was also very encouraging about working with us and slowly getting where he needs to be. While we still can't afford everything that is recommended we are gonna slowly chip away at it.

Next step for John: Get problem teeth pulled.

Jen saw a new primary care doctor today. My last doctor dropped my insurance so I've been needing to find someone new. This woman was really nice, attentive, and asked all the right questions and seemed to understand me. I think it helped that I came in with alot of info and a list of about 5 things I wanted out of my appointment. I got a referral to an opthamologist and an endocrinologist and got a bunch of prescriptions renewed.

Next step for Jen: Make appointments with specialists. Begin weaning Peter so I can restart the rest of my medications.

All together it was a very productive few days. I feel good that we got some things accomplished!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are moving in a positive way. What about your teeth? Keep us informed. I love you!