Thursday, February 26, 2009

First steps for Peter-kind! Giant leap for mom!

Today Peter took his first steps!! My baby boy was walking!!!

We were at the library story time that we've been going to for months and we were singing the "Open, Shut them" song. Peter was standing on his own and doing a little bounce when he started to lift up one of his feet. I got my hands out around him because usually he'll try to step and kinda loose his balance mid-step. But this time he didn't.

He took a step!

Then another!

Then another!

My heart kinda stopped and I think I stopped breathing and my eyes started to water.

After about 6 steps Peter was tired and stopped and stood in the middle of the play circle. And everybody clapped and cheered for him!

It was so exciting!!

My baby boy walked!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Growing up so fast. Way to go Peter! Love you all,