Tuesday, February 17, 2009

10 Things to Remember about Peter at 10 Months

(One of my friends did this on her blog and I thought it was fun.)

10 Things to Remember about Peter at 10 Months

1. Balls are fun to play with. His favorite new game is to pick up a ball and throw it. He will stay busy for probably 40 minutes all on his own just throwing a ball 12 inches, chasing it, throwing it again, chasing it down, throw, chase, throw, chase, etc.

2. He’s starting to eat grown-up food. Some of his favorite’s are: eggs, cheese slices, pears, apples, mandarin oranges, Cheerios, whole wheat toast with strawberry jam, blueberries, whole wheat bagels, carrots, sweet potato, applesauce, broccoli, tomatoes… The boy eats just about anything I put in front of him. He likes foods he can hold in his hand more than he likes food on a spoon from us. He wants to feed himself! He’s also learned to drink from a sippy cup. Yay! After buying the $5 “trainer” cups he ends up liking the $0.97 ones from Walmart.

3. When we go towards the door to go somewhere he gets excited. His whole body jumps and shakes, he waves him arms and lets out a full-body squeal. He loves going places!

4. He is fascinated by other kids. Whenever we see them out and about he stares at them and tries to get out of his stroller or my arms in order to get closer to them. He likes it best when they reach out and hold his hand.

5. Changing his diaper should be a new Olympic event because it takes a lot of athletic ability, stamina, strength and flexibility. It is nearly impossible to change his diaper in one shot unless he’s extremely tired. He does not want to stay in one place. Half the time, after I get his bottom clean I end up just letting him go to crawl for a few minutes bottomless before even attempting to hold him down again long enough to get a diaper back ON him.

6. Peter can’t stay still and is moving around a lot. He can stand on his own without holding onto anything for over a minute. He can do laps in the living room with his walker. He can walk just holding onto one of my fingers. He has started to try to take a step all on his own. Sometimes he succeeds but usually he ends up crouching down to the ground instead. He has figured out that anything at his waist level means that he can swing his leg up onto it and climb it. He can stay seated in a shopping cart for about 15 minutes until he wants to try to climb out. I’m often left at the grocery check out juggling shopping ads, coupons, my credit card, the diaper bag, and a baby that is trying to push all the buttons on the credit card swiper thing.

7. I can see him learning. When he hears the front door, he goes towards it looking for dad. When I call his name in gym class he will crawl across the entire gym floor to come to me. When he pushes the lever on the toilet it flushes. He remembers where I hide things or where the dog’s water dish is. He also knows that if he turns a certain way in his car seat he can see mom and smile at her. This week he is learning to “Go get” a ball and to “throw it” to me so we can play together.

8. He likes music. Whenever it comes on he starts bouncing and waving his hands in the air. He’s even starting to do the Twist.

9. Peter can turn pages. Though he hasn’t quite figured out that you are supposed to turn one at a time, or that they are supposed to go in certain directions. He just knows that pages are things that you can move and see different things. He’ll just keep turning the pages to the things that he wants to look at.

10. Peter is a great sleeper. He sleeps around 12 hours at night, getting up once for a feeding. And he also takes 2 naps during the day. Depending on our day these can be 30 minutes or 2 hours. Sometimes he has to sneak them in while in his carseat going to our next activity. I keep him busy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This memories will always make you smile. I'm so glad you wrote them down. I'm sure Grandma Ann Marie printed them for her book. They bring back memories of when you, Angel, and Ben were babies. It's such a special time in life. Enjoy him! He'll grow so fast!