Peter loved this little Santa light display. He made sure I got his picture next to Santa!
Peter was also very excited to be wearing a brand new Spiderman sweatshirt, his first sweatshirt this year! I had none that fit him so we bought it at JCPenney earlier in the day. He especially loves that it has a special button at the bottom and when you hit it it makes "web" sounds like you are shooting spiderwebs.
Peter got to see Santa again, but it was too dark and my pictures didn't turn out. :( Bummer. Santa gave Peter a special candy cane though!
Peter couldn't wait to open that candy cane! He was very excited!
MY candy cane! You can't have it!
As a grand finale we decided to go on the zoo train! Peter had a hard time waiting in line for the train but he learned to sit on the curb and watch and wave as it went past with other passengers.
He always gets so happy when we get to ride the train! He was beaming from ear to ear!
Peter couldn't decide who to sit next to so he traded between dad...
and mom.
We were all grateful it had warmed up a bit and we had a perfectly lovely evening out enjoying the holiday!
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