Thanks to some friends we found a good quiet spot along the route to park and watch the parade. There was a nice biking path nearby that Peter enjoyed running on while we waited for the parade to start.
Daddy joined in and gave chase to Peter. He liked to run back to mom for protection.
Peter likes to run!
John got tired fast in the 80 degree sun. He also had a heavy Santa hat on. He loves his Santa hat and was happy he got lots of comments on it. Even the people on floats in the parade would yell compliments at him. It made his day!
Daddy finally caught Peter! Big hugs!
Peter liked dad's hat too! He thought it was fun to bat at.
Waiting for the parade took a long time. We have to remember to take chairs to our next parade!
After one round of chasing Peter came and jumped in mommy's lap for a big hug!
The parade finally started! There were marching bands! A rare sight in Tucson! There were also tons of local scout troops, dance groups, and churches that went past.
Lots of people were giving out candy...mostly candy canes. Peter had to take his Santa hat off to hold it all.
He was the only kid in our section so everyone made sure to give him stuff. He got candy, stickers, seemed to never end!
Finally at the end Santa came in a big red firetruck. Peter was so excited and jumping up and down and waving. And Santa waved right back at him!
By the end Peter's hat was filled to the brim. He posed for the camera just to show it off!
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