One event we went to was the 4th Avenue Winter Street Fair. It's a huge event with over 400 arts & crafts vendors, 40 food booths, several music stages, and fun street performers. There's also LOTS of walking. We had fun walking through all the people...and trying not to let Peter get trampled. He did really good without a stroller, we were proud of him!
He did run into problems when he got a balloon though and tried to drag that through the crowd. I think he nailed a few people in the face as he tried to sneak through!
I hadn't planned to buy much, but when I saw this collection of superhero toys for $8 I knew I had to get it for Peter for Xmas. Unfortunately they didn't have a good bag to hide it in and the minute he saw it he wanted to look at it. He ended up carrying the entire bag the rest of the afternoon. Thankfully, we put it in the trunk and he has since forgotten it is there. I hope it will be a surprise again on Christmas.
With the bright sun I also got him a brand new Spiderman hat.
He liked it but it was so hot out that it made his head sweat so it didn't stay on for long!
On one corner John found some hidden "statues" aka girls painted all silver. He wanted to make sure that Peter saw them so he dragged us over. Peter didn't quite know what to think of them. He hid behind mommy watching...then one of them moved! She started talking to Peter trying to make friends but he just didn't trust her. She invited him over for a photo but he just yelled "Hug mom!!" and hid behind my legs some more. Finally, mommy decided to go pose for a picture too. Yup, that's me! 34 weeks pregnant!
After several hours at the fair we were tired and it was getting really busy so we decided to head home. We hid on the back side of the vendors and took some back streets to get back to the car. Peter was exhausted and starting to get cranky. He finally gave out about a block from the car so I just ran up ahead to get it and come pick them up. I think we had walked over 3 miles by that point. For a 2.5 year old and a woman 34 weeks pregnant that was quite the hike!!! All of us were exhausted!
At one point we went into a little grocery co-op store and Peter and I sat down while daddy went to get a snack. We wasted time playing with the balloon he had gotten from the tv station. Here's just a cute video of our playtime.
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