Sunday night we ventured out to Winterhaven, Tucson's biggest neighborhood of lights. They have been doing a big Xmas display for over 40 years and I think its even part of their HOA rules that you must decorate. The whole area is shut down to traffic and hundreds of people come to walk through every night.

I was a little nervous about walking through the neighborhood. It's about 3 miles to see everything and once you are in there are only so many ways back out to your car. With 25 days left until this baby pops out I wasn't sure I'd make it. Plus add in the fact that I feel like I have to pee every 5 minutes and you can understand why I was kinda hesitant. I was VERY happy though that there were porta-pottys scattered around the area. We even found one that was decorated!!! :-P

Peter did REALLY well. We didn't take the stroller and he walked almost the entire way. We have been a little worried about his foot lately. The day before this he fell down and seemed to be limping a little but not complaining so we've been watching him closely. Because of that if he ever wanted a little break from walking Daddy just carried him for a little while.

Peter ran from house to house to see the decorations. Sometimes he would get stuck at a house though. One of his favorites was a karaoke house! They had set up a mini stage and haystack seating in their front yard with a big karaoke screen and sound system and had passersby sing christmas songs. Peter wanted to "Sing, mama!" and kept trying to go up on stage with all the other kids.

We also had to stay on top of him to NOT go into all the displays. I don't know if he fully understands the concept of borders. It felt really funny to be telling my 2 year old to "Stay in the street!" With no car traffic everyone walked in the middle of the street and you didn't go up in the yards. There really aren't sidewalks there.

We stopped a couple times just to sit down and rest. That 3 mile hike gets to be a long one! Oh, but in case you didn't notice, Peter wore his Spiderman costume so he was a superhero who could handle all that walking!!! Yes, one light display all the pictures are Superman and the other he is Spiderman. Whatever will we do with this kid!?!

John once again got comments on his hat. He ended up taking it off about halfway through though. It was just too hot on his head! Even at 7pm at night it is still just jeans and t-shirt weather here. I ended up taking off my coat and tying it around my waist.

One of our ultimate favorite spots was someone who set up a little theater in their front yard. They wheeled out a big screen tv with big red curtains, set up a bunch of benches and chairs, and played Xmas movies. As we went past they were showing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. PERFECT!!! We had already been walking nearly 2 hours and were about ready to fall down.

Instead we got some hot cocoa the neighbors were giving away and sat down to enjoy the show! Peter had a blast sitting with the other kids and I just loved being able to get off my feet for a little bit.

We were even able to find SNOW in Tucson that night.

OK, so it was a snow bubble machine but its the closest thing we really get here!

Peter had a blast running around in the snow!

Mommy had a blast trying to take his picture without getting the camera covered in snow bubbles! It was coming down hard!

Finally, it was time to head out to the car. Peter was tired and rested on daddy's shoulders.

We did decide to make one last potty break on the way out. Peter had to go which required a LOT of undressing with all the layers of clothes and costume.

But he was finally able to go in the porta-potty so that made him happy.

We had a GREAT evening and I am so happy that we all made it through the whole thing! We did have one down point that we discovered upon getting home. Peter went into mommy's diaper bag to get his Chewy's out and one of them was GONE. There are supposed to be two...and he knows it. They were both in my bag at the event but I think at some point he dug in my bag for a snack and knocked one out. I drove through the next morning looking but Chewy #2 is long gone.
I am glad Peter is a little older now, he understands the concept of lost. We told him Chewy got lost at the party. He has cried a little bit but remembers that is what happened. (I honestly think some of that affection has transferred to his Spiderman costume so that makes him feel better.) Thankfully we still have one Chewy left. I'm keeping an eye out for another, but I haven't seen one for over a year now. Mommy feels super guilty that one of his Chewy's was lost while in my care. Chewy #1 is now on house arrest.