Our little boy is 2 years old! He is no longer a baby, he is officially turning into a little boy. It's amazing how quickly it goes by. Two years ago we were in the hospital wondering what to do with this little baby they handed us and amazed that we were now parents. I couldn't have even imagined the little boy he is now turning into.
Yesterday was a day filled with celebration. It was a little hectic and stressful because Peter once again woke up at 5am and was ready to play as we were packing the car and preparing to head to the park for his party at 10am. Of course, as we were getting ready to leave the house he started laying down on the ground and closing his eyes. Lovely, naptime wanted to correspond with party time! NOOOOO!!!!
About a dozen of Peter's friends came to the park to celebrate his birthday with him. We had snacks, drinks, and a few toys to play with also.

Peter had fun playing on the playground. I went to a park that we don't usually go to so there is different equipment. The kids liked climbing the rope obstacle. For the first time ever Peter made it all the way through!

The favorite toy though had to be the "merry-go-round". It is shaped like a cone with rope around it so the kids can't fly off. It was the hit of the party! I think some kids were in it the entire time spinning around and around. I don't know any other park that has one. All the kids took turns getting out and pushing it around.

Peter's favorite part was to get inside and then run around in a circle chasing his friends WHILE it was spinning. Those boys are crazy!

Peter's party had a train theme. He was very excited to see the choo-choo plates and napkins. Mommy and Daddy even got him an engineers hat and a train whistle. Peter thought it was the coolest thing ever! He went around trying to get everyone to blow into his whistle. Peter's big buddy Elliot is in the back of this picture. Elliot is 2 years older but they have become best buds because they both like "Thomas the Train" and "Cars". According to Elliot, "Peter is a cool guy."

Peter liked to take a DEEP breath and then blow his train whistle really loud. Super cool!

Peter loved his balloons but after other kids started to box with them he decided he needed to take them away from those meanies. I guess he thought they were safer with him because he dragged them around for a while including a few trips down the slide!

For cupcake time we got out some special chocolate cupcakes mommy made. They are from the depression when dairy and eggs were rationed so they don't include those. They are yummy while being totally allergen-free. Everyone could eat them!
Peter liked watching the fire on the candle and when we said "BLOW!" he blew perfectly to make the fire go out. He is so smart! He loved eating his chocolate cupcake with all his friends!
Peter also got some great toys from his buddies. There were books, play-doh, a toy garage, an animal puzzle, a helicopter, a watering can. Just lots and lots of fun stuff! He will be playing with them for days I'm sure!
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