Since I am now an Assistant Organizer I got to help scatter the eggs while John watched Peter. We headed out to the empty soccer field and got all the eggs set when POP! Out popped the giant sprinkler system for the soccer field! ACK! Us mommies squealed and ran! All the eggs were out! And all the candy was getting soaked! Eggs with jelly beans, cheerios, crackers, stickers, and who knows what were all getting blasted with water! So much for avoiding that rain!!!
Thankfully, one of the maintenance guys was nearby and raced to shut it off but our entire field got a good shower for a minute or two. What a headache! But since about 40 families were there and ready to attack the eggs there wasn't much else to do except line all the kids up and get ready to set them loose.
I'm a little bummed, I recorded a cute video of Peter running from the staring line and into the field laughing and giggling while running after eggs. Somehow I lost the video. Dang it! Thankfully I did take pictures too!
We went to Target the morning before the egg hunt to check on clearance Easter items. I wanted to get Peter a fun Easter Basket. They had Elmo, Lightning McQueen, a yellow dump truck, baseball and football ones. I picked each one up and asked him if that's what he wanted. He made sure I knew it was a big "NO!" Finally I picked up a tin Spiderman bucket and he just grabbed it and put it in the cart. He has been carrying it around everywhere for a couple days now. He likes his "bug-ket".
Peter loved to find Easter Eggs. He was not a big gatherer of them. He would spot one a few feet away and run at it. He didn't care about the one right next to it. He zig-zagged around the field looking for just the right ones.
Peter nearly filled up his entire bucket. John and I kept pointing out more and more eggs for him to get. After thought: I should have just let him get the few he wanted, but I was caught up in the moment!
Once we had gathered all our eggs we sat down in the field to open them and have some treats.

Easter is another holiday that is hard for allergy kids. Lots of the treats are not good for him. I actually brought a back up bag of eggs filled with Peter-friendly items. I did a quick trade out of the eggs and Peter barely even noticed! I probably won't be so lucky next year!
He ended up getting to snack on Peeps, Cheerios, and raisins.
I also made sure that he got a few of the eggs that we brought. I had brought eggs with Play-doh, toy dinosaurs, springtime stickers, and jungle animals.
I also put a Matchbox car in one of the eggs because he likes to always have a car to drive around the park. He's started really getting into Matchbox cars lately.
Thankfully, none of our eggs really got wet. As we were heading back to the playground I even ran into a mom who had gotten there late. I was able to give her Peter's reject eggs and make another kid happy! I love happy endings!
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