We splurged and played a few carnival games. Our favorite is the one where you shoot water at a target and race each other in accuracy. There is always a guaranteed winner so John and I just played each other once and won Peter a bright florescent elephant. He drug it around with him the entire night!
I also decided I'd try my hand at throwing darts at balloons. I hit the first one so they gave me a second dart for free and I hit another balloon to win a stuffed tiger. I was having a lucky night!
The luck continued over at the food court. It was dinner time, but there was only an hour left of the carnival and the roasted corn booth had made too much corn on the cob! Oh no! Who could possibly eat all this corn?!? WE COULD! We got 3 ears of corn for less than $1 total! Yum yum yum! (Not nearly as good as Iowa corn, but it will do.)
Peter was fascinated by all the lights and all the people. He wanted to go on some of the rides, but he was too short to get on any of them. Maybe next year. The game attendees all wanted to give Peter a free shot. He got the chance to throw rings at ducks, shoot a couple basketballs, and knock over milk bottles. They even offered him a few darts, but mommy stopped that one!
One bad part about our night is that Peter was wearing new shoes and got a big blister on the arch of his foot. It's healing well, but we've had to take care of it all week long.
Peter LOVED his elephant. He liked to take his trunk and touch noses. He'd walk around the carnival holding the trunk to his nose and swinging the elephant around.
We had a fun discount day at the carnival and came home with 2 new friends! Can't beat that!
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