I got Peter a baseball glove to take to the game. No matter how many times I tried to teach him how to use it he kept putting it on the wrong hand. He'd walk around with his glove on backwards. It had velcro inside with a velcro ball which was really cool and he was actually able to hold onto the ball.
He also tried to throw the ball from the glove, that didn't work as well.
We got to the game early for batting practice just because I figured Peter could run and play on the grass in the outfield. Plus we were able to reserve prime seats to meet our friends later.
Peter liked to watch the men play baseball. They had gloves and balls too!
Peter had a great picnic lunch of sliced apples, a hot dog, and a sno-cone. Yum yum!
Peter posed with his ball and glove.
Once again the organ played "If Your Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands". One of Peter's favorite songs! He loved every time the crowd cheered.
Since we got there so early Peter started to get tired. It was past his naptime, but we wanted to enjoy the warm weather.
It started to get really hot. Weather guy said it was in the 90's. We wore lots of sunscreen, but there wasn't really a break to the bright sun. Though I must admit, I liked that with Peter's shoes off he HAD to stay in the grass. Anytime he tried to venture away from us onto the sidewalk his feet got burned.
Late for a nap and roasting in the sun Peter started to get tired and cranky.
When he started hiding from the sun under his baseball glove we started packing everything away and left the game. Peter was asleep before we left the parking lot!
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