We get the "cheap seats" in the outfield lawn. They are the BEST! We are away from the action, but we can spread out a blanket, bring out some toys, and I don't have to worry about Peter staying in one place. He got to run up and down the grassy lawn. Yes, there is full, lush grass. We took our shoes off and felt the grass between our toes!
We have met some of our mommy friends there and joined our blankets and toys together. Of course they always seem to like another kids toys better. Peter stole this globe ball and wanted to play catch with me. Shortly after I snapped this shot the ball nailed me in the face!
He also stole sunglasses and a noisemaker from a 9 month old little girl. Crazy kid! He had his own sunglasses! He just thought these were more fun.
I brought a cooler of food for Peter. He had a turkey sandwich, a banana and Lay's potato chips. I was also really proud of this shirt, its all baseball themed! My boy was ready for the game!
Peter liked hearing the organ play. He learned how to say "CHARGE!!!" and clap at all the right times. The BEST part though was when they played "If Your Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands". He knows that one!
At one point Peter threw his ball and it rolled down the hill and ran into another daddy. The daddy picked it up and held onto it until Peter came to get it. Peter was MAD. Someone else touched his ball! He ran away to the top of the grass and just gave the guy a big pout.
Finally though Peter was worn out! Game time is right around nap time so we had pushed it too far. When Peter started cuddling under the blankets and blocking out the sun I knew it was time to go. It was such a fun, happy afternoon being outside and enjoying the warm weather.
I have no idea what the score was. I have no idea if anyone even scored a point. We just had a fun time on our glorified picnic doing something different.
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