We went to the park for a friend's birthday party one day and had a great time playing. Peter liked to steal the pink ball. He seems to really like the color pink...he also loves the color green!
Peter loves to swing on the swings at the park. I'll push him from the front and every time he swings forward I try to tickle a different body part. Watch out Peter I'm gonna tickle your neck!
Peter also loves to "Runnn!" He gets so motivated and starts running really fast with his arms swinging wildly at his sides. It is a hoot to watch!
The birthday party was Peter-friendly! Yay! Lots of fruits and veggies to eat that he ISN'T allergic too! We love that!
Peter likes to take his truck out places to push it around.
One of his favorite toys though is rocks. He can climb on them, throw them, stack them, dig in them... He is multi-talented when it comes to playing with rocks!
We also had fun at the zoo. This is a great place for us to go! Peter can run free and walk from exhibit to exhibit. We went once with our mommy group and wound up with this picture. The mom of the girl on the elephant said "Say cheese!" and all the kids turned around, including Peter, and flashed the biggest smiles ever. All the mommies busted up laughing!
Peter likes to "Roarr!" at the tiger, lion, and jaguars. This month he learned about peacocks, turtles, zebras, and he also saw the flamingos for the first time. Peter learned to stand on one leg just like a flamingo! He will now randomly do this at home and look at me then yell "Go". He can't quite say the whole word yet.
After the zoo we went on a mini "train" ride around the pond. They have a little golf-cart style train that pulls the kids around the park. It's $2, but since the zoo is free with our membership I figure its a small price to pay for as much joy as Peter gets out of it! He loves going for train rides!
Peter loves to feed the ducks at the park. He likes to watch the ducks swim in the water. He'll even talk to them sometimes and whisper "quack quack!"
We usually get some food for the ducks but I have to give it to Peter a piece at a time, otherwise he will just throw the entire thing in at once. That's fun to watch, but not fun when he realizes he is out of food.
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