About 30 other families met us at the park, we flooded the park with green. It was a beautiful day! In the 70's for the playdate, but by the afternoon it was already in the high 80's. I have a feeling summer will be coming soon. I am digging out the shorts and sandals!
I don't know if you can see us but we are smack dab in the middle of this picture. Peter of course was looking the wrong way, checking out the kid behind him.
John was the life of the playground and made lots of friends. He helped all the kids learn to climb the big ladder up to the slide. All the other moms marveled at how good he was with all the kids.
John even taught Peter a little lesson on how to slide down on his bottom, normally Peter likes to go on his belly.
But there was success!! Both boys went down on their bottoms! Yay!
Peter had a great time running around the playground chasing other kids and exploring the park. He now knows the work "park" and "play". Anytime we drive past a playground he will yell "PLAY PLAY!!!" from the backseat. He tries to pull on his car seat straps to get out and climb out of the car. If I drive past the playground I just get a soft sad whine "play..." *sniff*
Since it was so warm Peter needed to stay hydrated with some water...dyed green of course!
And there was a smorgasbord of green food to eat! Cookies, cupcakes, banana bread, jello... I made a breakfast casserole that was quickly wolfed down. It was made with green eggs and ham!
Peter got to snack on green apples, green grapes, and celery.
The rest of the day wasn't quite as much fun. John had to get a root canal, yuck! But thankfully it went pretty well and they did a good job. After that it was home for naps and some relaxation.
I hope everyone else had a great green day! Now I'm off to make steak, green mashed potatoes, and green peas (and carrots) for dinner. Yum yum!
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