Peter must have a bit of gasoline in his blood though because he was fascinated. It didn't matter that it was almost bedtime, he was cheering and yelling "TRRRRUCK!!!" all night long. His favorite truck was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle truck. He has been having a thing for turtles lately, he even has a stuffed turtle in the car that we got in Guam. It must be on his lap every time we get in the car.

We only gave in and bought one souvenir. It was a Monster Jam mug that game with a green sno-cone. "Nyum-nyum!"
We brought Chewy to keep him happy in case he had problems but he was just as happy to share Chewy with daddy.
Our best idea though was to buy him his own ear muffs to block out the roar of the engines. After hearing one loud rev he learned to keep them on the rest of the night. Mommy and daddy always wear ear plugs, but we didn't want to do that to his little ears. Daddy scored us some free food and drinks by giving our extra earplugs away to another family. They had a kid screaming cause their ears hurt so much. I'm glad we didn't have to deal with that!
I think we watched Peter more than the trucks, but it was so worth it! He had a great time cheering and clapping. Our seats were right over the trucks entrance and exit so Peter liked to wave goodbye as they left the stadium.
John and Peter both wore their monster truck shirts and had some boy bonding. It is so fun to share things we love with our son and watch him get excited too!
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