There were probably about 20 kids running around in the water and splashing each other, it was a little overwhelming I think. After the first few sprinkles actually hit him he came toddling back to me crying.
But on the edge of the excitement he was able to calm down and I taught him to start stomping his feet in the water.
We decided to take a little break and let the big kids go crazy for a while. We went and sat down to a lunch of taco salad and fresh fruit. After he had a full tummy and the big kids were busy hitting a pinata we tried again. This time we had better results, he walked all around the play area and even walked under the rainbow sprinkler you see in the background.
Peter let loose and started smiling and exploring all the different water toys.
He liked to watch the fountains squirt up and he would inch toward them and STRETCH out to touch the water.
Unfortunately after about 10 minutes another little girl came in and she decided to grab the water cannon and spray Peter smack in the face. Mean little girl!!! He looked like a little drowned rat and came over to grab my leg and hide behind me. Poor Peter!
We left the splashpad as older kids started coming back. I changed Peter out of his wet clothes and put him in a dry diaper and shoes, reapplied some sunscreen and let him run a little. He found another little boy playing with trucks in the shade under a tree.
They played together for the rest of our time there and had fun. The other boy tried to teach Peter how to load the dump truck with dirt and how to push the plow. It was cute.
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