It was at El Parador. How can 3 hours go by so fast?!? About 35 moms attend, and all seemed to be enjoying time with the girls. We read hilarious "dirty little secrets" (contributed anonymously, of course), drew raffle prizes, and ate yummy Mexican food and strawberry Costco cake!

It was funny, alot of us moms kept checking our cell phones waiting from news from home or wondering how our families were doing. I did get a text message from John saying Peter had had TWO poopy diapers. Wow! Daddy got a good dose of diaper duty!

I had decided to take John's car so that he could have the air-conditioned car at home in case they decided to go out somewhere. On the way home I decided to surprise John and fill his gas tank. Oh what drama!
First, I pulled into the gas station and got out only to find out that the nozzle was on the wrong side. SO I got out and repositioned the car. Then I got out and tried to open the gas cap. His tank cover has a locking mechanism and I couldn't figure out how to open it. After about 3 minutes of seaching and pulling I finally found the button in the glove compartment. I pushed and pushed it but nothing happend. So I pushed harder. Still nothing. I sighed, got in the driver's seat and started the car to leave and give up....and it popped! I guess it needed power.
So I got out of the car and put gas in the tank, really happy with myself that I had figured it out. I got my receipt and hopped back in the car. As I was pulling out there were LOUD popping sounds coming from the back of the car!! They sounded like a big pop gun but I could feel the clunk in the car frame so I knew something was wrong with the car.
I turned the car off and it stopped...what the heck!??! I turned the car on...it started again...then I looked back at the gas tank...the gas door was popped open! Turns out while I was pushing and pushing the button I got it stuck. I hit the dash and the glove compartment trying to get it to pop back out and it never did!!! I ended up driving home listening to the "Pop, Pop, Pop" of the gas door.
I got home and came in the house and embarrasedly told John "I was trying to be nice...I'M SORRY!!! I broke your car!!! But I was trying to be nice!!" He got a little frustrated but ended up heading out to the car, took the dash off and pulled the button out. It's fixed!!! Yay!!! And he now has a full gas tank!
I am no longer allowed to do ANYTHING to his car without calling him first. DOH!
1 comment:
This one still makes me laugh. Love you so much honey.
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