Thankfully once we got into the studio Peter was distracted by all the new people and things and was able to get some good pictures...if not too many BIG smiles.

We brought a few props from home to try to personalize our pictures. We brought Peter's monkey bedspread that is the theme of his bedroom. We also brought some stuffed monkeys and a few bananas.

Bananas are Peter's new favorite food. He will eat a whole banana in one sitting.

We also brought Peter's favorite ball, designed like the whole world. Whenever we play with it I like to point out where his grandparents live in Germany and Guam.

"He's got the whole world in his hands..."

Our new favorite toy is a top that we bought at Crackerbarrel. It's old-school style! Peter has learned how to pump it up and make it spin. He can do it better than mom now!

Well, there you go! Our 1 year photos. They are nearly 2 months late, but better late than never!

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