Then as we were taxiing out the air force base needed to use our runway for some kind of we were delayed again. Peter did not have a ticket because he can still ride in my lap technically. That doesn't mean he WANTS to sit in my lap the whole time. I got reprimanded by the stewardess for having him standing on the floor while we waited instead of in my lap. Are you KIDDING?!?! Our delay ended up being almost an hour before we left.
Unfortunately our connecting flight was only 45 minutes after the first. When we landed we literally grabbed our stuff and ran 2 terminals. Our plane was still there but the doors were closed!! I talked to someone and they said our seats had been given away and the next flight wasn't until the next afternoon, which was after my sis's graduation party. I just started crying.
The lady was really nice and tried to help us. We ended up going to a different airport in Iowa and were able to get a flight scheduled for 6am the next morning. She got us a hotel in Dallas for the night and gave us some food vouchers. I wandered around the hotel a bit to find some food for Peter and I and then we headed for our hotel.
I had some travel size shampoo for Peter so I gave him a bath and tried for an hour to get a crib for him. He thought it was really exciting to have a big king-sized bed to play on. I tried having him sleep with me but he just laughed, shrieked and wanted to wrestle me. Finally they brought a bed and after blasting his lullaby music through my ipod headphones he finally got to sleep.
The airport shuttle the next morning left at 4:15am so we didn't get much sleep. I was down to only 2 diapers and didn't have a change of clothes so we got dressed in our dirty ones. Peter was still so sleepy! Only about 5 hours of sleep when he was used to 12. When we got to the airport no one was there and nothing was opened. We wanted food! I checked the gate that we were at then we went to wait for the bagel shop to open.
We got a egg sandwich and juice then went to our gate to settle down and eat. Everything was working like clockwork. At one point I realized it had been a while and we should be boarding...I went to the counter and they had changed the gate!!! No announcement, NOTHING!!! GRRRR!!! It was now 10 minutes until my flight left! And my flight was boarding 2 terminals away!!!
I grabbed my things and ran with Peter through 2 terminals, once again we missed it. I was ready to scream and yell and hit that damn counter clerk!!! I had checked like 3 times and had been at the right place. Pure incompetence on their part not announcing the gate change!!!
I cried some more. Peter and I were tired and now down to 1 diaper. They booked us on another flight 2 hours later so we went looking for the playland a few gates away. (Pictures above.) Peter played for nearly an hour as I made phone calls to let people know what was going on.
Finally we got on the plane and made it to Iowa, just in time for the graduation party. Also just in time for that last diaper to give up. We were very tired and pushed our way through it even though we were kinda cranky after our ordeal. Next time I'll have to leave a larger time gap between flights.
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