Friday, December 24, 2010

Xmas Eve Fun and Bubbles (video)

Christmas Eve we got all the presents out and set them up around our little tree. There were presents from mom and dad, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-aunts and uncles, and more!

And of course, Santa snuck in overnight to leave some more. Peter was sure going to have a lot to open in the morning!

First we had to get to get ready for bed though! Peter hopped into the bath for a fun big bubble bathtime.

The past few weeks he has loved laying down in the bathtub. I think he likes to listen to the world underwater.

Peter's Great-Aunt Kim and the Davis family sent us a bag of special reindeer food to leave out on Xmas eve. It was a little chilly out but Peter ran outside barefoot. We'd have to make this quick!

We took reindeer food (birdseed) outside to sprinkle in the grass so they would have a special treat. Then it was inside to bed for a comfy nights sleep.

A few fun videos of bathtime. Peter liked to give himself a white Santa beard with all the bubbles. He's such a silly boy!

And another video of Peter just having fun laying down in the bathtub.

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