Monday, December 6, 2010

Walking at the U

Saturday morning after searching for things to do we decided to head down to the University of Arizona bookstore for a special Christmas storytime. Now one thing that is really annoying about the U is that you must park blocks and blocks away from where any of the real action is so we got in a decent hike before getting to storytime.

Oh, and of course Peter had to carry his plastic sack with him. What's in it you ask? Why his Spiderman costume, of course! He can't go anywhere without it. This is the latest compromise. If he WEARS real clothes he can CARRY his costume. And you know what? He did. He carried that bag with the costume in it the entire way all by himself.)

Peter was all smiles looking forward to seeing the special storytime guest. He was happily running from tree to tree, climbing on every bench...

...and spinning around every traffic pole. I had a hard time peeling him off these! He loved going around really fast and since there was no traffic allowed during the weekends he was perfectly safe on the sidewalk. He was also enjoying his new outfit from Oma & Opa Ayres. It's all Batman! The shirt and coat are 4T's. A little big, but they work. But we had to pull out his own 2T pants that fit him perfectly. I hate buying full "outfits" these days. He will never fit into the pants at the same time as the tops!

About halfway there (maybe 3 blocks) he seemed to want to give up and just sit on a bench. I had a heck of a time getting him up again! I didn't mind much though. At 8 months pregnant I could use a break too!

It was a LONG walk. Wish we could have used that darn road!!!

Peter ran off a few times to hide in the bushes. Silly kid! He liked to jump out and yell "BOO!"

Yup, stopped at another bench. Can you say "Late for storytime"?

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