Saturday, December 4, 2010

No Naps. UGH!

The past FOUR days Peter has pretty much refused to take a nap. We have stayed busy in the mornings doing lots of exciting things that really wear him out and he is definitely tired. When he is tired he gets cranky, destructive, argumentative, stops listening and is just a pain to be around. By mid-afternoon if I try to even do quiet time it turns into a disaster. I'm going nuts!

The past two days he has even fallen asleep in the car and at 33 weeks pregnant I am carrying his 30 lb body into the house in hopes that he will stay asleep for a bit. No such luck! Within 5 minutes he is up asking for a drink or to go potty.

Out of desperation for some quiet time I put a movie on in his room but he pays no attention to it.

Finally today after putting him back into bed about 30 times I pulled out the baby gate and put it on his door. He is at the gate right now yelling "Mommy, (where) Are you???" "Help me!" "Mommy, hug me!!" "No, no, no, no! My dad-dy, heeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeee!" "Where my daddy go?" "Mommy, ARE YOU?!?!?!?"

I know he can climb over the gate so I'm just hoping that he has forgotten that and eventually gives up and goes to lay down. Cross your fingers for me...!

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