Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winterhaven (videos)

I took a few videos of our night in Winterhaven. Since it is nighttime they are dark and the quality isn't the best but it gives you an idea of the fun we had!

The first video is of what we called the "Water Show House". It looked perfectly innocent as you approached it then all of a sudden music started, the lights blinked in time with the music and HUGE lighted water fountains burst from the front yard. The show went on for nearly 15 minutes. Peter was so excited he just danced and danced to the music. We stayed for 2 shows!

The second video is just Peter running around in the snow machine. He had fun until the end when he realized he was all wet and wanted to take his wet clothes off. I even accidentally left the camera on to catch a little of that conversation!

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