Monday, September 21, 2009

Reptile Encounters

This weekend Tucson was invaded by a Reptile & Amphibian show! Eek!! Somehow, mom thought that it would be fun to take the boys to look at all the creepy crawly things! Peter got an up close and personal visit with a alligator.

John (in the orange) got to pet a 260 lb snake! Crazy!!

Peter also got to pet the snake. After petting it he decided that it would be fun to try to straddle it and ride it! We stopped him before he was able to swing a leg over. The owner of the giant snake did tell us that it eats small pigs that weigh about 24 lbs. That's about Peter's size!!! Crazy!

After that we visited the turtles. One of the turtles started chasing Peter! He moved pretty fast for a turtle!

Peter had to hold onto his ball around all these crazy animals. He wouldn't let it go, its used as a security blanket sometimes.

He finally took his hand off the ball long enough to pet the turtle. Such a crazy experience!

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