Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pumped & Pepped

Friday was all about getting energized! We had the Pump It Up bounce party in the morning. Peter had a great time bouncing around all the castles. Daddy was impressed with how much fun Peter was having since the last time. Peter wasn't scared anymore!

He went up the ladder....

...and down the slide! Mom is up at the top getting ready to go but Peter went down on his tummy before she could even sit down! He had a huge smile on his face!

John and Peter even went through their obstacle course for the first time! We were all exhausted and went home for a nap afterwards.

That evening we went down to the University of Arizona campus for a pep rally. Football season begins this weekend! We listened to rock music in a courtyard first.

There was lots of free stuff. A breakfast place gave Peter free Cheerios, John and I split free ice cream. Peter got a free balloon from Brake Masters. Mommy even did their bean bag game trying to throw bean bags through a goal and won a free oil change! Yay, mommy!

The highlight though was when the marching band came! Peter clapped to the music and the flag girls stopped right in front of us to put on a show. Later we went to watch the baton twirlers and pom-pom girls. Peter just watched fascinated. It was fun, but I think I would have had more fun if it was the Hawkeyes!

1 comment:

Oma Cindy said...

What a brave and cute boy! He's growing so fast!!!!