Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our Bath Routine

One of Peter's absolute favorite things is taking a bath. If he ever has a super cranky day (like today) one thing that is sure to turn his mood around is some good splashing time in the tub. When I turn the water on he comes running. He has started being able to climb into the tub all by himself. Then I have to grab him back out to take his clothes off!

Today was the first time that Peter really took the washcloth and tried to scrub himself. Too cute! We've also been working on different body parts in the bathtub. Of course, his favorite one is finding his belly.

We always sing a few songs too. Splish Splash, Rubber Ducky, and 3 Little Fishes are some of our standards. Our rule is that as long as Peter is playing nice he can stay in the water as long as he wants splashing away. Bath time is over when water starts getting out of the tub. This happens usually by over-excited splashing or by throwing wet toys out. He usually gets a good 15 minutes of playtime before this happens.

When bath time is over we open the drain and wave goodbye to the water then he helps to put all his toys in a toy bucket while the water drains away. He's gotten really good at picking up his toys afterwards.

Peter hates drying off in his towel. He'd rather just run around the house naked after his bath. I am lucky if I get a few quick pats to get the water off. Tonight I got the towel on his head and he just ran!

1 comment:

Oma Cindy said...

So wonderful! I almost feel like I'm there. I can feel that water flying around the room.