Monday, September 28, 2009

Going to a Party

We went to our friend Elliot's 4th birthday party at the park! A bunch of our friends from the Meetup Moms of Tucson came. There were probably about 40 kids running around the park laughing and giggling and screaming. What fun!

Peter joined some kids hiding in a big bush.


Peter can't eat cupcakes because of his allergies. Unless we make them special most cupcakes have dairy or soy in them. Peter stuck with eating a bunch of fruit. Yum! One of Peter's friends, Ben, is 2 years old and also has allergies so they get to stick together at these parties.

Peter sweet-talked another mommy into giving him an extra slice of watermelon! I tell you that kid is addicted! Peter had already had 2 slices. He took the third and went to hide behind a tree to eat it.

Fun running on the playground! This kid moves like lightning these days! He is still a little pigeon-toed, but he doesn't notice it.

Peter got into a stare down over the push-toy. Wasn't quite worth it though. The push-toy kept getting stuck in the wood chips.

Resting in momma's lap. After grabbing a few more grapes of course!

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