Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ronald McDonald (video)

Our mommy group got a private tour of one of our local McDonald's recently. They set it up to try and reach out to mommy's highlighting the healthy options at Mikey D's. They also set up some special activities for the kiddos. Peter colored some pictures...

Wyatt was wide awake when we got there so he laid on a blanket on the table and just looked around at all the fun stuff in the playland.

The best thing though was that Ronald McDonald came! Peter has seen his picture of course, but never MET Ronald. He was in a trance watching him!

Peter had a new best friend! Ronald knew magic and played a ukulele and sang songs.

Peter ignored all the playland and just hung out with Ronald the entire time. I don't blame him though, he was a hilarious guy! Even us adults were chuckling.

I tried to get a picture of Ronald and Peter but try as I might Peter would not look up for a picture. He'll say cheese alright, but he'll say it to the floor or the wall or any random direction without looking at the camera.

After a while we went for a tour "behind the scenes" of McDonalds and got to see how the food was made. Wyatt went in the Moby for this part and was cuddled up falling asleep. Peter had fun visiting the big walk-in freezer..."BRRRR!!!"

Then we got FREE FOOD! Peter is now able to eat an entire Happy Meal without an allergy reaction. Yay! He usually gets a plain hamburger, apples, and juice. And of course, he always insists you order a toy! McDonald's was the first restaurant he learned. He isn't even 3 yet, but he knows those golden arches and will beg to stop whenever we drive past. Most of the time I can get away with just saying "Wave hi to McDonald's".

After our tour Wyatt laid down on the table to sleep a little more while we played around with Ronald.

We had such a great lunchtime with Ronald McDonald!

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