Thankfully I had a new baby to keep me company! You forget how tiny they are when they first come out! It's fun to study him and try to figure out where his different features come from. I think he has my hands and muscular thighs.

Wyatt definitely has the Ayres lips. Opa Jim is proud of that one!

The pale eyebrows and full eyelids I think come from Oma's side.

But I think a lot of Wyatt is like his daddy. He has his dark hair and hairline, dark eyes, long and flexible toes. I'm anxious to see how alike they look as Wyatt grows.

Opa, Daddy & Wyatt

Peter was very excited to see me and came running into the room and climbed up on my bed. He has gotten fairly comfortable coming to the hospital for my appointments and loves pushing buttons in the elevator and exploring all the fun looking equipment. This time there was something NEW to see though!

I think Oma & Opa coached him a little. He seemed to understand that this was his new baby! Peter touched Wyatt's face really gently and was super nice to him.

He even wanted to hold him. Oma helped get Peter settled and handed him Wyatt.

Peter seemed so happy to be holding his new baby brother! It made my heart melt. He held him so gently and tenderly, giving him soft pets. He even kissed his head.

And I LOVE this picture of my and my two boys. Such a happy day!

I think Wyatt was getting a little tired of all the flashes though! Get used to it kid! There's lots of photos in this family!!!

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