Wyatt was officially 8 lbs, 6 oz and 21 and 3/4 inches long with a head circumferance of 34cm. All these measurements put him in the 95-100th percentile for growth. Just like Peter! I grow big, long boys!

Breastfeeding was painful and I gave Wyatt some formula so he could get fed. Come to find out he is tongue-tied and cannot extend his tongue far enough to feed properly. A pacifier has kinda been teaching him how to suck and it has gotten better. He is scheduled to get his tongue fixed on Feb 8th...we are counting the days!

Although the labor was more traumatic for me this time, the recovery has been amazingly easy! Count your blessings! Last time I remember crawling to the bathroom days later because I hurt so much. This time I was walking John down to the cafeteria just to get out of the room. I was anxious to be released so I could go out and do something!

I enjoyed my quiet evenings in the hospital though. I knew I needed to get some sleep and just enjoy the quiet for a bit.

My hospital was treating Congresswoman Giffords and several victims who had been shot in the Tucson tragedy days before. A huge memorial of flowers, candles, posters, and trinkets filled the front yard of the hospital . National news vans crowded the front entryway and extra security roamed the entire property. Every night as the sun set a different musician or group would spontaneously arrive in the courtyard and play the Star-Spangled Banner. It was very soothing and humbling the first night I heard it coming through my window and then watched as hundreds of candles lit up the night. Something I will never forget.
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