Sadly, I remembered my camera but forgot a memory card so I wasn't able to take any pictures with it! BOOO!!! But I whipped out my cell phone and was able to snap a couple of pictures of Peter dancing to the polka music.

Peter had fun running around chasing other kids and putting his arms out and spinning like a helicopter. He even made a few buddies. They got together one time and did the chicken dance. Peter was so cute learning how to do the chicken dance!! (Aunt Angel, this one better be at your wedding!!!!)

The colors aren't changing on the mountain yet, but there were beautiful big pine trees and lots of grass. We sat on the grass for a bit enjoying the cool weather. It gave me hope that Tucson will soon cool off, we are still having 100 degree days.

We did end up getting chilly as 5pm rolled around. We packed up our things and started down the mountain. Both boys were exhausted and fell asleep on the winding roads while mommy drove. It was a nice relaxing day for all!

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