Saturday, September 4, 2010


Our mommy group hosted a demo class with Kindermusik last week. Those are always lots of fun. We joined about 6 other kiddos/moms and the kids got to play with music. Peter liked playing with the scarfs for the pretty music.

Then we did a song to learn about high and low. When the music was up high you reached WAY up high in the sky and twirled and flew around the room.

Then when the music got low you got down on the floor and crawled or slithered around the room. Peter had fun switching back and forth between the two. I thought it was a great interactive way to keep Peter's attention. He needs to stay physical!

Peter and another boy ran around and around the room in circles chasing each other. It is always so hard to get him to sit down and focus during the "quiet" parts. I was so grateful when the leader brought out instruments to play.

He likes to play music!

Oh! And my favorite part! We learned a dusting song. He got little dust rags and all the kids went around the room cleaning the wall and the floor and the chairs. Now Peter should be an expert at helping mommy dust, right?

For storytime Peter didn't want to sit in mommy's lap. He wanted to sit with his buddy Lilah so he got to sit with her and her mommy.

Then they all got to go up front and look at the storybook pictures. Any story that is about washing a dog is apparently completely captivating. Hey, whatever works!

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