Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hanging Out in Peter's Room (video)

It's still well over 100 degrees here in Tucson and summer is dragging on. I've made a standing rule that we don't go to any outdoor activities after 9am so our days get rather long around here. We've hit the McDonald's playlands a lot, the library storytimes, the mall, the pool (the one outdoor place I WILL go). And of course we hang out at home a lot in the afternoons.

Peter is enjoying his new bed. It is probably as high as his shoulders, which is pretty high for a little boy. But it has 4 drawers underneath and we always need storage! Peter doesn't seem to have a problem with it. He has NEVER fallen out of bed and never had to have any side rails. Though I think I might have heard him bonk against the wall a time or two.

I thought it was time to get rid of naptime and he did well without it for about 2 weeks and then it came back around again. It seems more like a "return to sleep" time though. He would love to go back to bed around 10am and just get a few more winks in. As long as it happens early it doesn't affect bedtime too much.

He has also recently gotten attached to his "baby bear". I started calling it a baby and showing him how to take care of a baby. He likes to dress it in matching clothes and sleeps with it every night along with two Chewy's...he has a whole harem in bed with him!

Peter's favorite thing about his bed though is jumping off it. His imagination is kicking in and he says the floor is the "pool" so he jumps into the pool to swim.

Peter got some hand-me-downs from one of his older buddies. He likes wearing his "white shirt" the most.

Of course, Mommy has a tank top on too so that makes all the difference. My little boy sure loves me!

Peter likes to look out the window when the "trash truck" comes. It's loud and does all kinds of cool things.

And of course, his hulk face is going strong. He likes to scrunch up his face and growl. His whole entire body tenses and gets into it. He thinks he is "scary".

He also had his first experience with "ghosts" this month. He came running out of his room about an hour after bedtime one night crying and saying his room was "Scary!" Mommy went in there with him and asked what was scary and he pointed to the ceiling and said "Ghosts!" I think the kid has been watching too much Scooby Doo! Any ways, we looked up at the ceiling and said "Boo! Go away ghosts!!! Go away!" We said this to every corner of the room until the ghosts were "all gone" then Peter climbed back into bed and went right back to sleep.

You may also have noticed that I shoved things around in Peter's room. I'm trying to figure out the best configuration to squeeze two kids in there. I am sure when #2 comes that it will change again. I'm grateful I don't have to buy too much more clothes since its another boy. I just have to dig out the old stuff and organize it. Peter is trying to choose his own clothes these days. I will have to restructure the entire closet so he can have a low hanger rack, right now he is climbing on boxes to get to his tshirts.

I took a few fun videos of Peter playing and jumping around his room. Pay attention to how he acts when the cat jumps on my lap. Poor cat! Peter gets so possessive over me. We spend so much time together on a daily basis I think he will have a hard time when he has to share me with a new baby.

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