I feel bad that Peter is missing out on some of his favorite shows from the Disney Channel like "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and "Special Agent Oso". But in its place he is learning to like some of the shows on PBS. He was already a fan of Sesame Street and Curious George but this week he became obsessed with a show called "Super Why!"

It's about a boy named Wyatt (aka Super Why) and his storybook friends who teach letters and reading skills. They usually have to solve a problem and turn into super heroes who put on masks and capes. Peter has been flying around the house yelling "Why! Why! Why!" Yesterday he created himself his own Super Why costume! Do you see the resemblance?
He is so proud of his green goggles like Super Why has!
Peter likes to get up on the couch and spread his arms then..
FLY!!!!! Off he'll go jumping over and over again trying to fly like Super Why.
He ran around the house like this for hours. (Oh and yes, he is STILL into his Hawkeye gear. He puts a hawkeye outfit on atleast once a day!)
Last night about 3am Peter came out of his room having a full on melt down. He must have had a nightmare! He just kept screaming "Why! Why! Why!" and running around the house hysterically crying. At one point he went and opened the front door! I finally figured out he was looking for his Super Why costume. The last he saw it was out in the car where he had fallen asleep on our way home from getting dinner. He must have thought it was still out there and he wanted to get it! I finally gave him his "cape" and he climbed back into bed, cuddled up with it and fell right asleep. Crazy boy!