Over Christmas all three of us whisked away on a plane and flew back to celebrate the holidays with my Iowa family for a few days. It was a struggle to cram everything into just a few days, but such a blessing to see everyone and be surrounded by family. We took so many pictures! I hope to get a bunch up in the next week or two. Peter loved spending time with a bunch of little cousins and getting to know his grandparents and Aunt Angel more.
Peter also learned the true meaning of "nohw" aka snow. It seemed like it was snowing the entire time we were there. Probably over 6 inches I imagine. Oma Cindy & Opa Jim bought Peter a ski jacket, snowpants, and boots. The Kieffer family (cousins) gave Peter some snow toys for Christmas, so the next day we got all bundled up and went outside to play in it!

Putting Peter to work shoveling the driveway. Drew helped teach Peter how to shovel but it didn't last long.

One of the toys Peter got was a snowball maker. John made Peter a few snowballs, but I think Peter was too frozen to figure them out.

Jen & Peter standing in the snow. We were in Grandma's front yard and there was a big pile of snow left from the street plow.

Oma Cindy with Peter.

Peter loved to get perched on the pile of snow left by the snow plow. He kept saying "up, up" so I would put him back there to sit in the snow. He was probably 3 feet higher and had a good view of everything going on.

Great-Grandma Langmann let us use her sleds so Peter got a few rides up and down the street.

John and Jen in the snow. John is kinda smirking because I'm standing in a hole so he is taller for once.

Poor Peter could hardly move he had so much on! But he stayed warm!

Opa, Oma, and Peter in the snow.

John, Jen, & Peter all bundled up.

Oma gave Peter her gloves to try to keep his fingers warm. He ended up licking the snow of the gloves. I think he liked it!

Aunt Angel pulling Peter on the sled.

Peter loved sledding! He almost fell off a time or two on the initial jerk to start going, but after that he liked sliding across the snow.

Peter getting a little tired of the snow.

Aunt Angel's dog loved the snow. He and Peter loved playing together.
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