We made two kinds of cookies. The first batch was a Peter-friendly gingerbread cookie.
Peter loved watching the mixer spin around and around. Mommy kept her finger right on the button to turn it off, but Peter was a good boy and just watched it spin.
I let Peter dump in a few cups of flour for me. He loved digging for flour in the bag and then dumping it into the bowl. He did manage to spill a lot in the process.
That was ok though because it just gave him something new to explore.
The second batch of cookies I made was Norwegian almond cookies using a cookie press. The cookie press that I have I inherited when my Great-Grandmother Hazel passed away. I also got her cookie cutters. I never made cookies with her that I remember, but the patterns and the equipment is exactly like my mother had growing up and my grandmother makes the same shapes every year. I feel blessed that I am able to continue the tradition in my family.
Peter does not want to wait around for cookies any more. I get so upset with him when he hangs on the oven! So much yelling when he does this because he can get it open if he wants to. He now knows that I keep the finished cookies on top of the fridge and will now go run over and throw is whole body at the fridge whining for a cookie. He only gets 1-2 a day so these whining sessions are hard!
Peter got so messy helping me bake cookies, but that is half the fun of baking as a kid. Nothing a little water won't fix! And the yummy cookies were SO worth it!!!
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