My present was a brand new Kitchen Aid mixer!!! YAY!!! I have named him Clyde, and he is now a new member of our family. I spent the past week scouring the web and the stores for things I can make and I decided to make Peter some cookies!!!
For the longest time I have wanted Peter to be able to have chocolate chip cookies, but figured with his allergies it would never happen. But I was wrong. We have a recipe from Grandma Cindy that we just altered a little with Peter friendly ingredients. I found some 100% palm oil shortening to use instead of butter. And after nearly a month of looking I finally found a chocolate bar without milk or soy in it. Mixing it up even the dough tasted yummy!
Peter LOVED the cookies! He said the word "cookie" for the first time and kept doing the sign for more. He kept disappearing into the kitchen and coming out with more cookies, after 3 I told dad to stop giving him so many cookies! But John just said he never gave him any. Turns out Peter figured out to take his stool into the kitchen and stand on his tip toes to get them off the cooling rack on the counter. Smart kid!
He even finally figured out what the heck the big deal was about Cookie Monster. He opened his Sesame Street book and pointed at Cookie Monster over and over.
Peter was so bummed when he learned that we weren't giving him anymore cookies for a while. That sugary, chocolatey goodness was pure heaven for our little boy. I'm so glad he got to experience this childhood landmark. And boy, did I love mixing with that new mixer! It was AWESOME!!! I can't wait to get more attachments for it!
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