I did a bunch of car work yesterday: fixed the headlight that was out, passed emissions, re-registered my car, got oil changes. All before John even got off work!
I also took Peter to the doctor for his 1 year appointment. He weighs 21 lbs! My big old sack of flour! Growing so fast! We got permission to flip his car seat to face forward. How fun will that be?!?! He also had to endure 5 shots, 2 in each leg and 1 in the arm. He was a REALLY good boy though! He cried during the shots, but went quiet almost immediately after they were done and I picked him up. I was so proud of him.
I've been feeling very motivated this week to get a lot of things done. Last Friday I finally saw my new endocrinologist and got some stern encouragement to get back on my medication. I have breastfed Peter for a full year and now its time to focus again on my health.
Peter is getting quickly weaned this week so I can jump back on my medication. He'd already been cut down to about 2-4 feedings a day, but now I'm trying to do one or none. He's started on whole milk and seems to really like it. Unlike mom, cow's milk has an unending supply! We are having very wet diapers because he sucks it down so quickly!
I got groceries today. Weekly toll: $35. Though once I got home I realized I needed rice for dinner. DOH! There's always something I forget. Peter got very fidgety while I was checking out and I ended up putting him on the ground to let him stand and look at things. John quickly had to chase him down as he made a break for the exit.
Today I also spent a good deal of time on the phone. I had to call tech support for our new laptop. I seems to not be charging the battery. The only way to use it is when it is plugged in and that definately won't work when traveling next month. (I'm planning on going to my sister's college graduation from the University of Iowa in May.)
I also had to call around to find our car part. John's car window is stuck and can't roll up or down. Since he has no air conditioning this is a HUGE problem as the temps are already reaching 90 degrees here. Turned out that Fed Ex delivered it to our apartment office and no one ever let us know it was here. But we have it now!!! Yay! Now just need to install it.
As you can tell it's been a crazy busy week for us. It's alot of go-go-go but I feel good getting alot of things done. And I'm glad that I'm starting to re-focus on my health, hopefully I can get that under control relatively quickly. And I'm glad Peter seems to be handling it pretty well. He's such a big boy.
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