We enjoyed alot of time with daddy when he was off Friday and Saturday. Friday we went out to the SAHBA Home show then we grilled chicken outdoors for dinner. Saturday we spent driving through neighborhoods to get a feeling of where we might like to buy a home. We even were able to clean a little around the house.
Peter's room had gotten torn apart in all the sickness and hectic week that we have had. Laundry was piled up high to be put away and I'd spent a couple days tripping over toys that never got put away. We spent some time in his room this weekend cleaning it up. I think this week I'll have to go through his clothes and rotate him up to the next size. I was packing away alot of things that he no longer fits in! 18M here we come!
These pictures were taken as we hung out around the house today. It was in the mid-70's out so we opened the door to let the breeze in. Peter likes to swing the door back and forth. He's so strong!!
I can't believe my boy is almost a year old!!! Only a few more days! He looks so grown up in these pictures! I look back at pictures of him as a newborn and so much has changed! He's got so much more personality. He's a flirt, he's a trouble-maker, he's an adventurer. He wants to find out about everything and everyone!
The climbing gene is getting engaged more and more. Today he was able to climb up onto mommy and daddy's bed. It scares me because it is so far to fall!!
His favorite "toy" is balloons. We still have one from Valentine's Day floating around. You gotta love mylar! We got a new one this week from Chick-fil-a, a fast food restaurant. It's hard to keep Peter focused on eating dinner when they bring over a balloon, but that's ok.
Peter is so happy when John comes home from work. He goes "running" towards the door in a full speed toddle and lets out a huge squeel. You can tell he loves his daddy!
He's definately still a momma's boy though. When he gets tired he comes to mom and rests his head on my leg. So sweet!
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