After the doctor we went to El Pollo Loco, a mexican fast food place, for dinner. I found out online that they had a special deal yesterday. All we had to do was go to the counter and ask to "Taste the Fire!" and each of us got a 2 piece chicken meal with tortillas and all-you-can-eat salsa.
YUMMM!!! We got some extra rice and beans to share so overall our full dinner was $2.16. We even had an entire leftover meal. I love finding deals! And it was nice to have a meal out.
I gave Peter a drumstick to pick at, but he had trouble figuring out which part to bite on. We helped him out and picked some pieces off for him. He is really liking chicken lately.
Another thing we talked about at the doctor's was his reaction to whole milk. As I was weaning him we tried switching him to whole milk but he got a rash, diareha and a crampy tummy. No fun! We switched him to soy milk and it all went away. Dr says it sounds like a cow's milk intolerance. So no milk with his cookies!!! He decided he'd rather wear the cookie bucket as a hat anyway!
The Dr prescribed us a special soy formula he's supposed to stay on for the next year. It has added fat and nutrients you can't get from soy milk. Today I went down to WIC and renewed Peter's eligibility there and they are going to cover his formula cost. Yay! That's a good $100 a month savings.
I also had a few random photos from the last month I wanted to share...
Peter in the toy aisle. I spent about 10 minutes trying to teach him how to use the corn popper but he never did figure it out. He kept holding it straight up and down instead of out in front of him. Silly boy!
Out shopping with dad. Peter likes to wear daddies baseball hats. I think they look pretty cute together.
Eating eggs at Golden Corral. Peter LOVES eggs. And you can see his little fingers working in this shot.
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