We decided to go to the zoo today and see the animals. For the first time Peter actually SAW the animals. The peacocks wanted to come after the Cheerios in his stroller. After having a staring contest with Peter I decided it would probably be better if we moved away since they aren't confined. We saw a Tiger eating a big T-bone, a jaguar looked us in the eye, the giraffes ate grass right in front of us. It was great.
This was one of the first outings with our "new" stroller. We finally got a replacement for the stroller we lost in the airport over Xmas. It's the same stroller (with minor differences). I love that I no longer have to hunch over the handles, its balanced, and the wheels rotate more freely. It only requires one hand and makes life SO much easier. I love my stroller. I am so grateful we were able to get a replacement!
After cruising the zoo we sat down in a big green grassy knoll and had a snack. We had brought our own drinks and popcorn so we ate that and let Peter play in the lush grass. He doesn't get much opportunity to do that here in Arizona. It was fun to see him try to walk on the bumpy earth.
When we got home we went to visit one of the other neighbors who is moving. She has an 2 year old and didn't want to move all the clothes her son had grown out of so she offered us some free clothes and shoes! What a sweet gesture! I know she probably just wanted to get rid of it but I am glad that she thought of us. I've got the clothes going through the laundry right now and will sort through them all tomorrow. The shoes are cute too and they are just the right size!
I feel so blessed. We get by on so little in our household. We don't have much money. We don't have alot of the things that other people have in their lives. But we get by...and then some. We've learned how to take advantage of deals and how to stretch a buck. We have amazing parents and family that help us out and have supported us along the way. I'm grateful that we've been so lucky to have them and to have them involved so much this past year as Peter arrived and they have helped him blossom.
We have an amazing son whose smile and giggles can brighten every day. And he has everything he could possibly need! I don't know what to recommend for his birthday...he has clothes, he has toys... (I need to look into opening a 529 college savings account for him so people don't waste their investments for him.)
At this point our biggest "need" is money towards a down payment for our home. Once we have a home I have great gift ideas for Peter! I can't wait to get him a tricycle and a sandbox! It will be so much fun to have some SPACE!
Above all I'm grateful we've figured out how to have a happy home...I just hope over the next year we can own one of our own!
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