It is definitely different to attend with baby and stroller in tow. More things to juggle, less attention span, more at baby's whims than having the freedom of previous years.
This year they had a petting zoo. I don't know if they had that before...maybe I just didn't care to notice in the past. They had sheep, chickens, pigs and cows. We were able to get really close to the sheep. I took about 15 shots of Peter by the sheep and didn't notice until I got home that every picture he had his foot up. I'm not sure if he was trying to keep the sheep away or trying to show them his shoes.
This was the first full day that Peter wore shoes. It took some getting used to walking in them but we've been increasing the time all week long so he could practice. Today he seemed right at home in them. I was glad he had them on because he was able to walk all around in the grassy areas.
When he got tired he'd crawl for a little bit. He also got a work out pointing at things. He'd point at people, animals, trees, feathers, everything was exciting!
This year we took more breaks. Previously we spent a lot of time watching shows and going into stores. This year we sat off to the sides in the grass and shade and stopped for snacks and to listen to music. There was one grassy area that was all set up with toys for little kids to play with. Peter made a new friend with one of the guys there.
Peter was fascinated with a little stuffed castle they had. You could open it to see the inside and there was a little stuffed king, queen, and medieval characters.
Peter wanted to share with daddy and offered him the dragon to play with.
By the time we were leaving Peter was exhausted. He was ready to fall asleep in his stroller and was snoring before we got out of the parking lot. Luckily, he had a good hour and a half long drive before we got home. Phew! Now we are all exhausted but thankful that we had such a great day!
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