They have a greenhouse where they keep tropical plants and the butterflies. You walk through a double entrance and have to be careful where you step. The butterflies are fluttering all over the place. Some camouflage really well then as you get close they'll take off.

A few of the little butterflies landed on us but the bigger butterflies with a 8 inch wingspan just dive-bombed us a couple times.

One scared me and made my heart jump and I wanted to swat it down! Attack of the butterflies!! When I shrieked and held my breath out of shock the attendants laughed at me.

We also explored the rest of the gardens which was pretty neat. They had all kinds of interesting plants, an exhibit on composting, and pretty flowers. There was a kids area that will be fun for Peter in a few years. It had a big sandbox, lots of plants you could touch, even a place to dig for worms. It'll be a little while before I let him dig through that though!!

Very neat to have butterflies land on you AND you got pics of it. Maybe we can see this next time we are there.
Nana Dee
Perfect place. Let him dig for worms. A little protein never hurt anyone :) Have fun!
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