Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peter @ 5 months

Happy autumn!

We are doing pretty good here in Tucson. Enjoying the cooler temps (under 100 degrees) and we are even getting some of the leftover rain from those hurricanes. It's nice to be able to be outside without sweating.

Peter is 5 months old this week! I can't believe how fast it goes... He's a little over 16 pounds now. Teething is beginning to bug him, some days it will wake him up from his naps or just keep him kinda grumpy and fidgety all day. This week I went through his clothes again getting rid of stuff he grew out of and pulling out the 6-9 month stuff. Boy, this kid has clothes! It's so sad to have to put away some outfits, a few I really loved on him.

His time lately is entirely on his tummy. He's gotten pretty good at moving around on his belly. He can turn himself in all directions and reach for things. He is rolling all over the living room until he reaches a wall or a couch and then he can't figure out what to do and gets fussy. The biggest development is that he's started figuring out how to get his knees under him now and is raising himself to his knees and elbows then rocking back and forth! He's getting ready to crawl!!! First time I saw that I just got tears in my eyes! My baby is growing up! I'm so proud of him!

We've also started feeding him cereal. He does pretty good when he is in the right mood. He opens his mouth and goes straight for the spoon. He even tries to grab my hand to help me. He's not too messy, just kinda dribbly. I'll have to get a high chair soon though to make it a little easier.

He's also learned he can kick his legs in the bath and make big splashes. Consequently we stopped bathing him on the kitchen counter and moved into the bathroom. Contains splashes a little better.

Other than that we are doing pretty good.

I am trying to figure out what I want to do for my birthday at the end of the month. I can't believe I'm going to me 30... That means I'm officially old, right?!?! ACK!!!! Trying to embrace the wisdom that is supposed to come with age....

John has started a class at the community college and is enjoying that. He goes 2 nights a week, aced his first test, and is easing into the idea of getting a degree. He gets a little tired these days. His new shift has him at work at 4:45am!!! He is actually handling it really well and likes having so much sun left when he gets home in the afternoon. We are able to do more together. Just means an earlier bedtime! Usually by 8pm... Man, I guess we are getting old!!! :-P

Enjoy the pics attached, I took them all this week. I'm becoming a bit of a shutter bug. Hope you are all enjoying the cooler temps and doing well, too.

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