Friday, August 29, 2008

Pictures from 4th month.

We've been having trouble getting online, but this weekend I lucked out and got some internet time! Yay!!! Guess that means everyone lucks out with pictures!

Peter is about 10 days away from being 5 months old. He grows so fast! He has full body grins and giggles now. It's so much fun to watch John eat Peter's toes and get Peter roaring with laughter!

Peter is doing pushups and almost getting his tummy off the floor. I bet he'll be crawling soon. He does get around quite easily rolling. I'll put him on the floor, look away for a minute and when I look back he's on the other side of the room again wedged up against the couch and frustrated he got stopped.

Soon we will be starting cereal. We have tried a couple times and it didn't go to bad...though I do think when we start it will be bath time every night after dinner!

Now onto pictures pictures pictures!

Peter's first plane ride: He slept pretty much the whole time when he wasn't eating. Though on the flight back to Tucson we had TWO dirty diapers to tend to. And you certainly don't have enough room to change them in the bathrooms. I just had John stand up and we spread out on his seat. Wasn't too bad.

Jen's family picture: We had a 5 day vacation out of Tucson and my parents flew us back to visit all of my family in Iowa. Such a treat for everyone to meet Peter and Peter to meet everyone. He loved all the attention.

Peter's first baseball game: We won free tickets to a minor league baseball game when we attended the Tucson Baby Fair. It was fun to get out and do something different. We even got free crackerjacks and $1 hot dogs and enjoyed the game.

New toy jumper: We saved and splurged finally on a exersaucer/jumper. Peter just has a grand old time jumping around in it. Big smiles, big laughter. I have it set looking into the kitchen so he can play and have fun while I'm making food.

Hope you guys enjoy the pictures. I was so happy to get them uploaded today! Have a great labor day weekend!

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