Thursday, August 7, 2008

Peter Pictures @ 4 months

Peter is going to be 4 months old this Saturday! Growing so fast! This past month has been busy. We went to Iowa for five days to see my family. We had lots of fun introducing Peter to the family, his aunt and uncle, all my cousins, his great grandma's... We even got to stop in Chicago for a little day trip going to a museum and trying some Chicago deep dish pizza.

After we got home to Tucson my parents and sister came down to visit and spend more time with Peter. We've had a fun past two weeks and I'm sure when everyone is gone it will be awful boring! Peter has gotten used to so much attention I will probably go crazy trying to please him!! :)

Latest developments:
Peter rolls over from back to tummy and is starting to enjoy being on his tummy.
He blows bubbles and makes little raspberry sounds with his lips.
He is paying attention to other people more and can giggle with tummy tickles.

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